Programmer and Developer-Specific News Websites and Communities
Hello everyone today I want to talk about a topic which I planning for a while. Because while I research this topic I also learn too. So to talk/teach about a new topic is also meaning for me to learn new topic, whatever. Let’s get start it.
Maybe you can be new at software etc. and you want to be up to date on the software world but unfortunately you don’t know how/where can you start. This article for you!
1- SlashDot
News for nerds, stuff that matters. Timely news .
As they said in this site you can find timely new about science, software, software political news etc.. Site editors and users publish news in summary and also this site don’t includes terms so much. I think it will be good start point for you.
This website includes more complex informations and longer articles about software. As you can guess there are more terms but if you are a serious learner you can be addicted to DZone. Because there is not includes only news , also there are beneficial tips about programming and software or documents you can download to use too.
*I think this one of the websites you should visit :)
3-Google Developers
I think it’s well-knowing websites for coders but I want to give a place in this article. Because there are so many inspiring coder in this site. You can follow them to learn new think.
In this platform you can follow events and also you can join them. This is good chance to meet new people and make network for a coder. And don’t hesitate about your knowledge because if you are think that you “zero, you will be one with Google Developers. So just go to the website and join the community!
I’ll finish in here. Because I think I gave you sufficiently recommendation for this time. I hope this article is will be utility for you. See yaa :D